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Catholic Church Column

Creating Religious Leaders for Over 100 Years

Saint Rosalia Sculpture

Connect with God

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Listen to our collection of Catholic hymns and experience the divine like never before. Our focus on traditional Catholic imagery creates a unique spiritual experience that is sure to deepen your connection to the divine.


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Experience the power of faith and community at our inspiring Catholic Church's Mass every Sunday morning at 9 am. Join us as we gather together to celebrate the Eucharist, embrace the word of God, and unite in prayer and song. Our Mass offers a profound opportunity for spiritual renewal, where you can find solace, strength, and inspiration for the week ahead. Whether you're a longtime member of our parish or a newcomer seeking spiritual connection, all are welcome to join us in this sacred and uplifting experience. Come and be part of our vibrant community as we come together to worship and grow in our shared faith journey. We look forward to welcoming you with open hearts and arms.

Church Choir in Purple
Bible King James

Bible Study

Join us!

Join us every Wednesday and Thursday at 7pm for an enriching Bible study session open to all! Dive into the teachings of the scriptures, engage in meaningful discussions, and deepen your spiritual understanding in a welcoming and supportive environment. Whether you're seeking to explore the Bible for the first time or eager to deepen your existing knowledge, all are invited to participate. Come and join us as we grow together in faith and fellowship. We look forward to seeing you there!

Our Graduates

Adams, Adam
Adams, Eric
Adams, Lewis
Adams, Steve
Allen, Glen
Allen, Harold
Allen, Hector
Allen, Ronald
Allen, Terry
Allen, Vincent
Anderson, Thomas
Bailey, Austin
Bailey, Craig
Bailey, Dale
Bailey, Harold
Bailey, Manuel
Bailey, Marvin
Baker, Stephen
Barnes, Gerald
Barnes, Joe
Barnes, Glenn
Barnes, Steve
Bell, Billy
Bell, Johnny
Bennett, Rafael
Bennett, Rodney
Bennett, Clifford
Bennett, Franklin
Benson, Brett
Brown, Clifford
Brown, James
Brooks, Jared
Brooks, Mitchell
Brooks, Russell
Bryant, Aaron
Bryant, Eugene
Bryant, Neil
Bryant, Dustin
Butler, Arnold
Butler, Austin
Butler, Wesley
Butler, Jesse
Butler, Shane
Butler, Todd
Carter, Darryl
Carter, Jesse
Carter, Larry
Carter, Neil
Carter, Lewis
Clark, Kenneth
Clark, Vernon
Clark, Larry
Coleman, Frank
Coleman, Jerry
Coleman, Jesse
Coleman, Milton
Collins, Dennis
Collins, Jimmy
Collins, Roy
Cook, Walter
Cook, Russell
Cook, Glenn
Cooper, Alfred
Cooper, Carl
Cooper, Nathan
Cooper, Vincent
Cox, Gerald
Cox, Louis
Cox, Neil
Davis, William
Davis, Allen
Evans, Gregory
Evans, Jerry
Fisher, Arnold
Fisher, Clyde
Fisher, Felix
Fisher, Jesse
Flores, Nathan
Flores, Oscar
Flores, Neil
Foster, Jessie
Foster, Caleb
Foster, Lewis
Foster, Willie
Garcia, Nick
Garcia, Mark
Garcia, Steven
Garcia, Alex
Garcia, Chris
Gonzalez, Brian
Gonzalez, Randy
Gonzalez, Alexander
Gonzalez, Brett
Gonzales, Todd
Grant, Howard
Gray, Bobby
Gray, Marvin
Gray, Ralph
Gray, Shane
Green, Nicholas

Harlan, Michael

Hall, Edward
Hayes, Stanley
Hayes, Rafael
Hayes, Terry
Hayes, Carlos
Henderson, Dale
Henderson, Danny
Henderson, Terrence
Henderson, Clyde
Hernandez, Danny
Hernandez, Ernest
Hernandez, Glen
Hill, Jacob
Hill, Floyd
Hill, Clyde
Hill, Ronald
Howard, Alex
Howard, Christopher
Howard, Roger
Howard, Steven
Howard, Kevin
Howard, Marcus
Howard, Timothy
Hughes, Howard
Hughes, Luis
Hughes, Manuel

Jackson, Christopher
Jackson, Joshua
Jenkins, Alexander
Jenkins, Leonard
Jenkins, Neil
Jenkins, Vernon
Jenkins, Vernon
Johnson, John
Johnson, Philip
Jones, Robert
Kelly, Gerald
Kelly, Rafael
Kelly, Allen
Kelly, Gregory
King, Jason
King, Jessie
King, Philip
Lopez, Ryan
Lee, Dennis
Lee, Kevin
Lee, Wesley
Lewis, George
Lewis, Leonard
Long, Alan
Long, Larry
Long, Neil
Lopez, Ryan
Martinez, Caleb
Martinez, Manuel
Martinez, Paul
Martinez, Shane
Martin, Greg
Martin, Mark
Martin, Andre
Martin, Terry
Miller, David
Mitchell, Dustin
Mitchell, Glenn
Mitchell, Scott
Mitchell, Derek
Moore, Joseph
Morris, Curtis
Morris, Douglas
Morris, Curtis
Morris, Raymond
Murphy, Jesse
Murphy, Corey
Murphy, Gabriel
Murphy, Randall
Murphy, Glenn
Nelson, Billy
Nelson, Darryl
Parker, Gary
Parker, Brett
Parker, Frank
Parker, Jack
Patterson, Randy
Patterson, Danny
Perez, Harold
Perez, Justin
Perry, Antonio
Perry, Jordan
Peterson, Andre
Peterson, Martin
Peterson, Todd
Phillips, Samuel
Powell, Albert
Powell, Douglas
Powell, Arnold
Powell, Manuel
Price, Harry
Price, Allen
Ramirez, Ivan
Ramirez, Juan
Ramirez, Kevin
Reed, Peter
Reed, Allen
Reed, Allen
Reed, Arthur
Reed, Gabriel
Reed, Angel
Reed, Shane
Reed, Aaron
Reed, Brett
Reed, Victor
Reed, Angel
Reed, Derek
Reynolds, Jeffrey
Richardson, Arthur
Richardson, Arnold
Rivera, Kevin
Rivera, Eric
Rivera, Daryl
Rivera, Manuel
Rivera, Ralph
Roberts, Brandon
Roberts, Matthew
Roberts, Jerry
Robinson, Andrew
Rodriguez, Joshua
Rodriguez, Jordan
Rodriguez, Allen
Rodriguez, Sean
Rodriguez, Bobby
Ross, Philip
Ross, Nathaniel
Ross, Brett
Ross, Felix
Ross, Gabriel
Ross, Ralph
Ross, Victor
Ross, Nathaniel
Ross, Terry
Russell, Frank
Russell, Roger
Russell, Barry
Sanchez, Henry
Sanchez, Manuel
Sanchez, Clarence
Sanders, Eddie
Sanders, Gerald
Sanders, Leonard
Scott, Gary
Scott, Timothy
Scott, Howard
Scott, Hector

Simmons, Aaron
Simmons, Johnny
Simmons, Chris
Simmons, Marcus
Simmons, Mitchell
Simmons, Nelson
Simmons, Aaron
Simmons, Sean
Simmons, Steven
Smith, Adam
Stewart, Manuel
Stewart, Willard
Stewart, Daryl
Stewart, Aaron
Stewart, Roger
Taylor, Charles
Taylor, Jesse
Thomas, Daniel
Thomas, Gene
Thomas, Allen
Thompson, Aaron
Thompson, Donald
Thompson, Neil
Thompson, Neil
Torres, Antonio
Torres, Oscar
Torres, Patrick
Torres, Marcus
Turner, Benjamin
Turner, Clarence
Turner, Corey
Turner, Lee
Turner, Marcus
Turner, Todd
Walker, Brian
Ward, Howard
Ward, Neil
Ward, Lawrence
Ward, Terrence
Ward, Casey
Washington, Austin
Washington, Bruce
Washington, Milton
Washington, Brett
Washington, Glen
Washington, Ralph
Washington, Barry
Watson, Arthur
White, Matthew
Williams, Michael
Wilson, Raymond
Wilson, Richard
Wilson, Russell
Williams, Billy
Williams, Stephen
Williams, Michael
Williams, Dennis
Wilson, Richard
Wood, Jordan
Wood, Billy
Wood, Rodney
Wood, Wesley
Wood, Kyle
Wood, Lewis
Wood, Brett
Wright, Jeffrey
Young, Timothy

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